Today, being
Rednesday, I wanted to share these two very special Santas. They were made by my aunt many, many years ago.
I remember this jolly Santa sitting out every year -- she always told me that I could look at it, but not pick it up... I'm glad she did because, after I grew up, she gave it to me! And I could pick it up all I wanted! I've always been very careful with my special Santa, because so many happy memories are associated with him.
My aunt would occasionally spruce him up with a bit of paint here and there where needed -- no sprucing needed on my account I can tell you!! But I have chosen to leave him just as he is -- the little chippy areas just make him all the more special. I don't know his real birthday, but he's at least 60 something... or he could be in his 70s or 80s for all I know, depending on when she painted him!
Side view -- isn't his tummy the best? Or, in his case, I believe that roundness might be officially called a "belly"!! He's made of plaster and is quite heavy, probably because of all those cookies he eats each year!
This cutie ceramic Santa is a bit newer -- my aunt only signed her name on the bottom but did not date him. But she probably made him in the 60s. She gave him to me in the mid-80s.
Sometimes he carries Christmas cards in his pouch, sometimes candy canes, sometimes poinsettias -- you just can't ever tell what Santa will have in his bag!
I love his blue eyes -- and his cute bald head! Did you know that Santa was bald on top? Why else would he wear that hat all the time? And you know that every picture of him in his jammies shows him with a nightcap on. Bald, for sure!!
Linking up my special Santas to
Rednesday on
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