Well, being the procrastinator that I am, I tend to put off making treasuries until the last minute (today is the 27th after all)!! So I decided that I needed a bit of an incentive to get my rear end in gear!
Thus, Tuesdays will be my treasury day -- not just for my vintage teams, mind you, but also for teams I'm on for my crochet shop, Magnolia Surprise. The idea is to post on Tuesdays about a treasury that I have made, and that will (I hope) make me accountable to make those treasuries!
Plus it will give some promotion to others! An even better reason, don't you think?!
Today's treasury is Everything's Merry and Bright and is made up of fellow teamies on the Etsy Vintage Team. To be on this team, you must be certified as selling only true vintage items, over 20 years old. I had a lot of fun making this one -- vintage elves, Santas, glitzy ornaments and sweet decor, that's what decorating in a vintage style is all about!
I'd love for you to click on the title and go over to the original treasury where you can leave a comment if you'd like! You can also check out the items and shops from there, or from here by clicking on each photo.
I hope you'll check back on Tuesdays, both here and at my Magnolia Surprise blog, to see some awesome (if I do say so myself!) treasuries!