Since this blog is devoted to vintage stuff, I thought that vintage recipes would qualify..... sooo, from time to time I'll post some yummy recipes handed down from various relatives, or from ancient (not really ancient, but definitely OLD!) cookbooks that I have.
And what better way to begin than by participating in the
EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival with the topic choice of a favorite fall recipe!
When the weather turns cool, my thoughts turn to sweet potatoes -- I like them baked and served with just butter (lots of butter) on them. And sweet potato French fries are delicious! The two following recipes are ones that I make every year, especially as Thanksgiving approaches.
This one was the casserole of choice of my kids -- probably because it is sweeter and has those cute little marshmallows on top! The recipe comes from "River Road Recipes" which was published by the Junior League of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The one I have was published in September, 1969 and is the 22nd printing. It's full of wonderful Southern recipes! This is one of my favorite cookbooks, and the splatters on the pages prove it!
Baked Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows (contributed by Mrs. A. J. Noland)
(info in parentheses is my own addition)
8 medium size sweet potatoes 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup milk Few dashes of nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon orange juice
3 tablespoons sugar Marshmallows (I use the small ones)
1/2 stick butter
Bake sweet potatoes in 350 degree oven until done. Peel hot potatoes and put through ricer until mashed.
(Note: instead of this, I cook the potatoes until tender in water to cover, let cool, and then peel and mash with a potato masher.) Scald milk and add vanilla, sugar and butter. (Note: I scald the milk in a 2 cup Pyrex measuring cup in the microwave and then add the vanilla, sugar and butter.)
To mashed potatoes add cinnamon, nutmeg and orange juice. Stir. Add milk mixture to potatoes and stir.
In a large casserole dish (3 quart or two smaller dishes) layer potatoes, then a layer of marshmallows. Repeat layers ending with potatoes.
Bake at 350 until very hot. Add a layer of marshmallows and brown.
Serves 8 to 10.
Totally yum! And it reheats well just in the microwave!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The other one was made by my husband's Aunt Hat for Thanksgiving 1993.
She gave me this dated recipe card!
Sweet Potato Casserole (from Aunt Hat)
3 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes 1 stick butter
1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs, beaten 4 oz coconut (optional)
Mix together and bake 20 minutes or longer at 350 until it separates.
1 cup brown sugar
1 stick butter
1/2 cup flour
1 cup chopped pecans
Melt butter and stir in other ingredients. Pour over baked potatoes and bake 20 minutes until crusty.
From the backside of the card --
"If you double recipe, do not double topping. This freezes great."
Absolutely luscious! But if you're on a diet, beware!!!
This yummy recipe memory is part of the EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival which is being hosted by Random Creative. One of the topics to choose from was to post about a favorite fall recipe. I immediately thought of these two family faves! What are yours?